Lets Learn Mizo Languages

Hnamdang tam tak te pawh in Mizo á¹­awng hi thiam an chak ve thei hle a, google lam ah te, search index kan en chuan, zawn hlawh ber pawl ani fo hlawm a.

Tun ah chuan, hnamdang te tan leh Mizo te tan ngei pawh, in zirna tha lutuk tur kan lo chhawp chhuak dawn ani.

Lets learn mizo á¹­awng

Lets start from simple.

1. I'm Hungry - Ka ril a aá¹­am.

2. I want some American food. - American chaw tlem ka duh.

3. He doesn't like green vegetables - Thlai hring a ngaina lo.

4. She doesn't eat potatoes - Henu hian Alu a ei ngai lo.

5. And you miss? - Nula, nang ve le?

Mizo conversation

Mrs. Katherine : Where's Jenny? = Khawi ah nge jenny hi?

Ammy : In her room = A pin dan ah.

Mrs. Katherine : What's she been doing? = Eng nge a tih reng a?

Ammy : She's been looking at herself in the mirror. = Darthlalang ah a in en mek ani.

Mrs. Katherine : she got a sunburn today. = vawiin chu ni sâ in a em ût/Lâwng ani.
Look at yourself, Ammy = Nangpawh kha in enrawh, Ammy.

You have got a sunburn, too. = Nangpawh ni sâ in a em ût/lâwng che ani.

Ammy : I know. Here's the real estate section. = Ka hria a lawm. Hei le, in leh lo lam ziahna chu.

Mrs. Katherine : if we're sure that we'd stay here, we could have a house built.
= Hetah hian kan awm ang tih hre chiang ila chuan, in kan han sa mai tur ani a.

Name and Conversations

Hand = Kut

Arm = Bân

Head = Lu

Chest = Âwm

Stomachache = Pum nâ

Dead = Thi

Cat = Zawhte

Dog = Ui

Cow = Bâwng

Evil = Misual/ramhuai

Ghost = Ramhuai

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